Payment methods

Secure Payments on Los Santos Shoes

Fast and secure payments
Your peace of mind is fundamental to us. To always guarantee safe transactions, we rely on leading platforms in the payment sector.

Available payment methods:


Make your payment taking advantage of all the security and convenience offered by the PayPal circuit.

Credit/Debit/Prepaid Card

Simple and immediate payments with your card.
We accept all major credit, debit and prepaid cards, such as PostePay.

Cash on delivery

Order the products you want and pay in cash directly to the courier upon delivery.

Klarna – Pay in 3 installments

Do you want more flexibility? Split your order amount into 3 convenient installments by choosing Klarna as your payment method at checkout.


If you have a SatisPay account, you can use it without problems to purchase our products.

For any further information or clarification on payment methods, do not hesitate to contact our customer service.